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Historical facts around ONI

ADM D Kilkin

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Special Agent

Special Agent


What's real, who started ONI and where did it come from?

This is something we're always questioned which to now, where the original Halo.bungie.net website is gone has effectively weakened the evidence standing for whats "real" than the culmination of all our work here in this site. I want to speak for High Command but I won't here in case anyone wants to chime in to say that we honestly do not care anymore, for our performance as ONI speaks for itself and the actions thereof coincide to what our mission is.

We are ONI

But where does this end?

Why do people start clans calling themselves ONI, CINC, CAC at some point?


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Intelligence Officer

Intelligence Officer


I think this ones a boring one. I mean we are evidently the only one with solid digital footprint to claim originality. I have had @Shagnado and many more original members join this website. Its just not worth arguing to this point, so many people come and go with a new ONI, or need validation and use it in the name like The Founding ONI. Without the significance of a digital footprint, and I mean presence its hard to believe what anyone says.

We're definitely ONI, but it doesn't matter what we called ourselves honestly. If we change our name to just Vigilant, it would not change a damn thing because we're the culmination of members and staff here. The names don't matter in the end of the day to me, just performance and professionalism.

People start calling themselves ONI, or whatever other position because its role play; they are role playing and it just doesn't matter.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Assistant Special Agent in Charge

Assistant Special Agent in Charge


I'm intrigued by this forum overall but agree with Shawn4Japan.

When I joined ONI in 2012, I wanted to be apart of a clan I was proud of and tell everyone about. In Halo 4 joining clans as a group, leaving them to eventually fall from our influences and then continuing to operate around our name and not from our name it was a reality to me that many people don't understand. We're not attached to ONI beyond its theme and the role playing names we take into consideration.

That in itself is powerful, because we made ONI to be whatever we want on a given day but also detached ourselves from it. For better or for worse we even inspired others to start their own ONI clans, give us feedback on ours (one such vividly clear example is that we are overly sophisticated and complex) whereas they copied us and removed the complications they have to create a new iteration that did not last more than 6 months. To inspire people to fight so hard for the name, to see that they want to be the best ONI or beat us too, its all a new thrill that keeps me interested.

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  • 4 weeks later...



So I’m wondering why then Osman, do you think people copy us cut around some of the fat and are still unable to be lean and run? 

There are other ONI’s that work and some that don’t but they all kind of fall on the same sword. 

Everyone is lying to some sort of unnecessary amount, like where they came from but to even who they fought and winning battles against other clans.

Like Fry’s ONI which is probably a more successful example is one where he allowed anyone to do anything within the confines of it helping other players, undoubtably it worked but once he helped too many players over and over again he got tired and would back away from the clan because people left to join bigger better clans, like Resilience or Valor. Fry lied about many things but the one thing he lied about that ended his group was that he can help them get better. 

Bane’s ONI which lies about winning games against other clans it’s never even scheduled a match with is kind of outside any kind of logic, like why lie about that and where you came from? He lies about so many other things too and I’m surprised no one has contacted local police to get him indicted. 

Shaw’s ONI which lied trying to steal Shawn’s identity and influence which is kind of crazy. Like he would watch when Shawn got off to start acting out his part, it was obsessive, his clans never even done anything notable but is again a bunch of 12 year olds following around a 19 year old+ guy. He would be cool if he stopped lying. 

Can’t think of any others, maybe Ned Rich? But he’s with us now so I won’t drag on with my comment.

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The problem with wearing a title that says: "Im a spy or do intelligence work" is that good spies dont do that and its counter productive to intelligence gathering. Very hard for a group to be successful doing that, I'd imagine. Its why i dont recall us ever having an ONI branch (that lasted)-- though its cool you guys have done so well for yourselves. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
Special Agent

Special Agent

On 9/14/2021 at 2:59 AM, Dunbar said:

The problem with wearing a title that says: "Im a spy or do intelligence work" is that good spies dont do that and its counter productive to intelligence gathering. Very hard for a group to be successful doing that, I'd imagine. Its why i dont recall us ever having an ONI branch (that lasted)-- though its cool you guys have done so well for yourselves. 

I think we have made it out from others in just knowing what intelligence is. Most other ONIs I see look to a status to achieve, commanding and order people subjugating/harassing them to comply with rules they made up when in all actuality what ONI is and intelligence should be is entirely different.

Intelligence over Halo and clans really boils down to few bullet points.

  • Politics and political favors from clan leaders, typically in the form of relationships with people we offer help/we get help
  • Maps and information on clans for raids, including members strengths and weaknesses (i.e. if we shoot at this persons body he will get upset and play aggressively)
  • Drama and leverage, flow of information and rumors in an ideal world gossiping would not have to be weaponized so effectively but it sadly is

Rarely did we need to have our own lobby presence unless we dictated that it was necessary, from 2012-2016 we operated through other clans and committed to proxy wars helping others build up clans but inevitably when we all left, which would be at the same time it would be seen as a mass exodus and demoralize clan leaders. I think our most infamous activities and our clan comes alive is when there is an active war between two clans. I joined a little later but the most recent example is Sentinel vs. Navcom, we infiltrated Sentinel than pivoted the clans focus to be around the lesser known UNSC clans, while also hyping them up to challenge Sentinel, after Sentinel would steam roll them we would go pick up after them recruiting them to grow our numbers. Politically, Sentinel would feed us information at the high level of the clans they engage in return we would find contacts/clans for them to destroy. These were toxic clans that are now gone, stubborn leaders that bred arrogance and UNSC clans essentially imitating Navcom, ONI or other.

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Special Agent

Special Agent

On 8/17/2021 at 11:44 AM, ADM S Osman said:

I'm intrigued by this forum overall but agree with Shawn4Japan.

When I joined ONI in 2012, I wanted to be apart of a clan I was proud of and tell everyone about. In Halo 4 joining clans as a group, leaving them to eventually fall from our influences and then continuing to operate around our name and not from our name it was a reality to me that many people don't understand. We're not attached to ONI beyond its theme and the role playing names we take into consideration.

That in itself is powerful, because we made ONI to be whatever we want on a given day but also detached ourselves from it. For better or for worse we even inspired others to start their own ONI clans, give us feedback on ours (one such vividly clear example is that we are overly sophisticated and complex) whereas they copied us and removed the complications they have to create a new iteration that did not last more than 6 months. To inspire people to fight so hard for the name, to see that they want to be the best ONI or beat us too, its all a new thrill that keeps me interested.

I think you really grew into the role, it is still an every day occurrence that people will approach me and just ask if you are real, if you are not dead or imprisoned or some other scapegoated response from just getting to know you. New iterations of ONI focus too much on the historical context of their groups. Starting a new group no one should be ashamed for being new or from 2021, I would welcome the next ONI we find that is founded on release day of Infinite.


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Special Agent

Special Agent

On 9/8/2021 at 5:08 PM, Anna Richards said:

So I’m wondering why then Osman, do you think people copy us cut around some of the fat and are still unable to be lean and run? 

There are other ONI’s that work and some that don’t but they all kind of fall on the same sword. 

Everyone is lying to some sort of unnecessary amount, like where they came from but to even who they fought and winning battles against other clans.

Like Fry’s ONI which is probably a more successful example is one where he allowed anyone to do anything within the confines of it helping other players, undoubtably it worked but once he helped too many players over and over again he got tired and would back away from the clan because people left to join bigger better clans, like Resilience or Valor. Fry lied about many things but the one thing he lied about that ended his group was that he can help them get better. 

Bane’s ONI which lies about winning games against other clans it’s never even scheduled a match with is kind of outside any kind of logic, like why lie about that and where you came from? He lies about so many other things too and I’m surprised no one has contacted local police to get him indicted. 

Shaw’s ONI which lied trying to steal Shawn’s identity and influence which is kind of crazy. Like he would watch when Shawn got off to start acting out his part, it was obsessive, his clans never even done anything notable but is again a bunch of 12 year olds following around a 19 year old+ guy. He would be cool if he stopped lying. 

Can’t think of any others, maybe Ned Rich? But he’s with us now so I won’t drag on with my comment.

This reminds me of a conversation had recently where an ex-member complained about how complicated we are, in the many processes and organization. He left to join another ONI that solely operated from just one Discord with fewer than 15 channels. Of course this group is no longer around but there are indefinite pros and cons to our group and the cons are what start some of the spinning off iterations. Though I kind of fear that if we simplified, a new complicated ONI would appear. If we did anything else more branches of new realities would come from it, new iterations and so on its likely an unavoidable problem.

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On 9/28/2021 at 9:09 PM, Dale Kilkin said:

I think we have made it out from others in just knowing what intelligence is. Most other ONIs I see look to a status to achieve, commanding and order people subjugating/harassing them to comply with rules they made up when in all actuality what ONI is and intelligence should be is entirely different.

Intelligence over Halo and clans really boils down to few bullet points.

  • Politics and political favors from clan leaders, typically in the form of relationships with people we offer help/we get help
  • Maps and information on clans for raids, including members strengths and weaknesses (i.e. if we shoot at this persons body he will get upset and play aggressively)
  • Drama and leverage, flow of information and rumors in an ideal world gossiping would not have to be weaponized so effectively but it sadly is

Rarely did we need to have our own lobby presence unless we dictated that it was necessary, from 2012-2016 we operated through other clans and committed to proxy wars helping others build up clans but inevitably when we all left, which would be at the same time it would be seen as a mass exodus and demoralize clan leaders. I think our most infamous activities and our clan comes alive is when there is an active war between two clans. I joined a little later but the most recent example is Sentinel vs. Navcom, we infiltrated Sentinel than pivoted the clans focus to be around the lesser known UNSC clans, while also hyping them up to challenge Sentinel, after Sentinel would steam roll them we would go pick up after them recruiting them to grow our numbers. Politically, Sentinel would feed us information at the high level of the clans they engage in return we would find contacts/clans for them to destroy. These were toxic clans that are now gone, stubborn leaders that bred arrogance and UNSC clans essentially imitating Navcom, ONI or other.


Just because I think a lot of you would find interest in it. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
Special Agent

Special Agent

On 8/17/2021 at 11:44 AM, ADM S Osman said:

To inspire people to fight so hard for the name, to see that they want to be the best ONI or beat us too, its all a new thrill that keeps me interested.

This is hilarious, Shawn told me too if all other ONI's died he would consider ending the clan but until then we need to keep the name to stunt on them. Straight savage, I hope they read these forums.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Intelligence Officer

Intelligence Officer

On 10/22/2021 at 12:30 PM, Noah Reibach said:

This is hilarious, Shawn told me too if all other ONI's died he would consider ending the clan but until then we need to keep the name to stunt on them. Straight savage, I hope they read these forums.

They do read it, weirdos join my parties reading line for line posts made here. 

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...



I'm extremely late to this, in 2019 there a project ONI's origins (SIGINT) that I worked on where we collected as much information as we could find about how ONI started. Most of the information found was submitted on the Enjin website so I'm not sure if it's still available or not. We did find that ONI popped up on Halo 2.  "Xbox Halo Guy posted a recruitment post in the Bungie forums dated sometime in 2006. We also found game history from "ONI Shawn X" starting in 2010. Additional gamertags that were found (XBL White Hawk19, TheMythicSaiyan, Black Seal Six, Project SV and Zakarydotexe)

Ad Lux Vera

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Senior Field Agent

Senior Field Agent

On 10/22/2021 at 12:30 PM, CAPT N Reibach said:

This is hilarious, Shawn told me too if all other ONI's died he would consider ending the clan but until then we need to keep the name to stunt on them. Straight savage, I hope they read these forums.

On this very thread someones already injected their idea to which no standing proof..

It's a little sick to think that this is the thread that will start a conversation around actors playing the part of an already made up thing.

On 3/11/2022 at 4:17 AM, Callisto SIV said:

This is old, but I'd like to add to this. From this attachment, point proven.

Screen Shot 2022-03-10 at 2.16.39 PM.png

This picture doesn't tell us anything. He wasn't apart of ONI originally and shortly after joining this one, left to Navcom and than started his ONI charades.

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Intelligence Officer

Intelligence Officer


I wasn't going to respond, I don't think anyone should. This person lives in a world of their own with not a thought in the world to how anything around them works. It's amazing you have the grit to post it at all knowing full well it doesn't add any value to the thread and proves nothing. 

The original ONI groups are still on Bungie.net and all reference material is already published for anyone curious to who was and is apart of ONI.  

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On 5/1/2022 at 11:52 AM, VADM A Reaves said:

On this very thread someones already injected their idea to which no standing proof..

It's a little sick to think that this is the thread that will start a conversation around actors playing the part of an already made up thing.

This picture doesn't tell us anything. He wasn't apart of ONI originally and shortly after joining this one, left to Navcom and than started his ONI charades.

That image wasn't posted in defense of his claims.

Special Agent Velociraptor

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On 5/1/2022 at 11:58 AM, Accessing said:

I wasn't going to respond, I don't think anyone should. This person lives in a world of their own with not a thought in the world to how anything around them works. It's amazing you have the grit to post it at all knowing full well it doesn't add any value to the thread and proves nothing. 

The original ONI groups are still on Bungie.net and all reference material is already published for anyone curious to who was and is apart of ONI.  

The image was posted to add to "the founding ONI." He is no founder. Look at the years. 


That was the point of the image.

Special Agent Velociraptor

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