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A little history


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I've recently had the privilege of freed up personal time, and while I have been avoiding clans like the plague, i got called on a favor I owe. I will be making myself free for about a week to answer any historical questions (as best I can remember them. Ill admit when I cant--as it has been ten years). It isn't my place to "set the record straight" and so I will only answer what is asked of me. Its far easier for me to answer questions via discord-- where I am more available. My Discord is Archeota#9675, and i'll be your historian for this week until Sunday. After that, im heading back to business. 


Off limits questions: (you can ask but im not promising any answers)

-Personal current life, opinions on certain people currently (though Ill admit past ones), and opinions on current clan shenanigans. Im here to give history as I recall it for a favor. To that end, ask away (on discord, if you would). 


(Spoilers: If /anybody/ takes credit for everything its likely bullshit. If they have to go around telling everybody they were original and did everything its likely bullshit too. This party has a lot of forgotten ladies and gents who were real fun to play with and did a lot of hard work at the time that they didnt need to do for other people to have fun. Even my place and importance in this mess has been exagerated. My 'job' could be best described as "An administrative assistant who taped things so theyd stay working". A lot of us hobgoblins kept the whole apparatus running. Shout out to jenkins and his mad website work.) 

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Intelligence Officer

Intelligence Officer


Found yourself in a funny place! Welcome to the party, I'm sure someones got something good to ask. As for me, maybe any recollection of what was done with Spartans and ODSTs in the day.

Its every other day someone approaches us with some sick sense of delusion, or manipulative effort to become a Spartan here based on training they did years ago. What kind of incite can you provide to that, what was actually done where members felt so validated enough to continue, and of course not everyone is in the same page there either with apparently other groups starting around the same time, but no digital footprint or network to know each other existed.

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18 hours ago, Anna Richards said:

So are you the founder of Navcom or is Joshua O29 the founder? 

An uncomplicated question: 


But a complicated answer:

Navcom comes from several clans: 

105th ODST Division: Me (eventually the ODSTs)

The True Spartans: Kurt (Eventually the SIIIs but theyd find a rebirth and reorganization under Lasky, or mitch, and prior work under willy cypress (or James)

Fleetcom(yes, made before and decommissioned) under paul and alyssa, which would eventually become our Navy

Jenkins: our website guru. 

Joshua (And many many others from our prior Spartan Project/Navapecwar/Orion project) origins. 


He, and I, are one of about 8 (founders) as Navcom was created to unify our rapidly fracturing community in a way pure Spartans couldnt as an all encompassing UNSC group. While i organized the central highcom group, it was ultimately that highcom that founded it. 


Its purpose was to provide numerous branches with flexible leadership so that all UNSC groups could co operate under a flexible group of UNSC affiliates. 


There never was supposed to be the disunity there is now. It was always supposed to simply be one UNSC with flexibility in case there were name duplicates. 






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4 minutes ago, Dunbar said:

An uncomplicated question: 


But a complicated answer:

Navcom comes from several clans: 

105th ODST Division: Me (eventually the ODSTs)

The True Spartans: Kurt (Eventually the SIIIs but theyd find a rebirth and reorganization under Lasky, or mitch, and prior work under willy cypress (or James)

Fleetcom(yes, made before and decommissioned) under paul and alyssa, which would eventually become our Navy

Jenkins: our website guru. 

Joshua (And many many others from our prior Spartan Project/Navapecwar/Orion project) origins. 


He, and I, are one of about 8 (founders) as Navcom was created to unify our rapidly fracturing community in a way pure Spartans couldnt as an all encompassing UNSC group. While i organized the central highcom group, it was ultimately that highcom that founded it. 


Its purpose was to provide numerous branches with flexible leadership so that all UNSC groups could co operate under a flexible group of UNSC affiliates. 


There never was supposed to be the disunity there is now. It was always supposed to simply be one UNSC with flexibility in case there were name duplicates. 






Our group both grew and declined numerous times with these key highcom positions changing. By the time i stepped out of a position of decision making we had grown to five hundred members and the main highcom group could replace its own staff as it needed. It was supposed to be self sufficient with priority given to our much newer player base. Many amazing leaders added to the program. A couple panther guys, rorschache, and many others. Literally too large a list. 


Joshua was a part, but only a small part, same as me. Id argue that Jenkins website work really allowed us to get our message out there. I acted as a long time as a vetoing member of highcom, but was no longer as of...i think 2013. Dont quote me on that date. 

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As a final note on our earlier topic 

Halo 2:

Fire Team Charlie (eventually the 105th)

Joshuas Spartans (I saw them in mm so i know they existed at this point)

Halo 3:

105th ODST Division

Orion Project

True Spartans

Joshua's Spartans (NSW as a name did not exist) 

Halo Reach: 

Joshuas Spartans Combine with the Spartan Project, which was Orion. 

Kurts True Spartans become SIIIs abd combine with us. We become Navapecwar. 

Willycypress becomes james. He and kurt have a falling out. 

Paul, myself, and joshua have a falling out. Three groups now exist. 

Theyre all combined into Navcom

This is all before that war with the UUF

Halo 4:

NSW leaves Navcom later.

I quit community. My knowledge of stuff ends here. 


Like I said. If anybody is looking for a drama free golden age, they might be searching a while. It is interesting that Joshua managed to write about eight other people out of history. Thats a shame. 

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On 9/16/2021 at 10:56 AM, Shawn4Japan said:

Found yourself in a funny place! Welcome to the party, I'm sure someones got something good to ask. As for me, maybe any recollection of what was done with Spartans and ODSTs in the day.

Its every other day someone approaches us with some sick sense of delusion, or manipulative effort to become a Spartan here based on training they did years ago. What kind of incite can you provide to that, what was actually done where members felt so validated enough to continue, and of course not everyone is in the same page there either with apparently other groups starting around the same time, but no digital footprint or network to know each other existed.

Ah. Subject of the hour. 

A lot of history erasing was done, and washed over with golden age crap. 


Yknow what it took to be a Spartan when we were only spartans? 

A name. A name change and activity. No shit, some of us had like...nilch k/d.

Victor and Javier are responsible for any level of training or standard in that department. People might say it was exclusive, but earlier it only became exclusive in that you

1. Were buddies with somebody

2. You changed your name and could fit in that clique.

It was incredibly mythologized by people who, frankly, are of little significance other than that they had a name and spent forever trying to be pals with somebody. Some good guys came out of it, but SII pretty much was a colorful piece of bling to inflate an ego. Kind of the equivalent of a roman praetorian guard. It could be a whole psychological paper on how enough bullshit and self promotion creates a myth. 

Far as i could tell, the SIVs really were the ones who paved the way on competitive ground. SIIIs, ODSTs, Marines, and those guys were the real champions. They were the ones where reliability wasnt just like..  lip service and gift card legend.

Apologies if that is dissapointing. 

As for good training, ive always found inter branch competition to be very rewarding and it builds good team work. Less raids, more high ground ctf and one bomb. Youll get quality that way. 

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Victor = Anarchyz11

Other notable people? 

Demarco was a good guy. I remember him even with nearly a decade gone. McMillan put in some good work. The panther people did a lot of good stuff once they converted into the lore autism that kind of defines us. (I love myself some halo lore). Really there are like...tons of people who really put in work. I wish i could remember them all. 



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Tl;dr navcom was a band aid for old grudges. It survived making new enemies and uniting to beat them. If history has any lesson though, its that you can only fight other people so long with your own house not in order. The current UNSC clans can (almost) all trace their lineage back to a fracture from that unification attempt. Elitism, as a policy of exclusion, is good short term in creating a culture--but falls flat in comparison to bringing others to your level, as apposed to shutting them down. Its an interesting case study, if anything. 


I was most surprised to see the selling of gamertags gain popularity. That aspect of current culture is actually kind of dissapointing. The best thing you can do as a clan is just to focus inwards first and make sure your house is in order with the kind of culture that can allow retention and growth. You guys seem to be doing well. 

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Special Agent

Special Agent

On 9/18/2021 at 9:21 AM, Dunbar said:

As a final note on our earlier topic 

Halo 2:

Fire Team Charlie (eventually the 105th)

Joshuas Spartans (I saw them in mm so i know they existed at this point)

Halo 3:

105th ODST Division

Orion Project

True Spartans

Joshua's Spartans (NSW as a name did not exist) 

Halo Reach: 

Joshuas Spartans Combine with the Spartan Project, which was Orion. 

Kurts True Spartans become SIIIs abd combine with us. We become Navapecwar. 

Willycypress becomes james. He and kurt have a falling out. 

Paul, myself, and joshua have a falling out. Three groups now exist. 

Theyre all combined into Navcom

This is all before that war with the UUF

Halo 4:

NSW leaves Navcom later.

I quit community. My knowledge of stuff ends here. 


Like I said. If anybody is looking for a drama free golden age, they might be searching a while. It is interesting that Joshua managed to write about eight other people out of history. Thats a shame. 

He definitely did write out everything in his history. In a more recent interaction ONI had with his NSW, he is very much so an idolization of what "old community" means to people, but the very same people he tells the story too don't do their own research; to no fault of their own though since most evidence or people from that era are gone and it is all just role playing in the end.

In which the grand scheme of things he will only cooperate in it if his name/brand is put out there. We haven't successfully worked with him because he is in short crazy.

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On 9/18/2021 at 9:08 AM, Dunbar said:

An uncomplicated question: 


But a complicated answer:

Navcom comes from several clans: 

105th ODST Division: Me (eventually the ODSTs)

The True Spartans: Kurt (Eventually the SIIIs but theyd find a rebirth and reorganization under Lasky, or mitch, and prior work under willy cypress (or James)

Fleetcom(yes, made before and decommissioned) under paul and alyssa, which would eventually become our Navy

Jenkins: our website guru. 

Joshua (And many many others from our prior Spartan Project/Navapecwar/Orion project) origins. 


He, and I, are one of about 8 (founders) as Navcom was created to unify our rapidly fracturing community in a way pure Spartans couldnt as an all encompassing UNSC group. While i organized the central highcom group, it was ultimately that highcom that founded it. 


Its purpose was to provide numerous branches with flexible leadership so that all UNSC groups could co operate under a flexible group of UNSC affiliates. 


There never was supposed to be the disunity there is now. It was always supposed to simply be one UNSC with flexibility in case there were name duplicates. 






I joined ONI when other ONI’s had merged in to look like a similar situation in an complicated answer. I recently resigned, just too busy to be gaming and want to prioritize my career but in leaving the community only few leaders were left from that time that have all kind of unlearned, relearned and continue to cycle in and out ideas. It’s very interesting to read that Navcom was brought together by more than the 3 known clans (105th, Fleetcom, NavSpecWar/Joshua O29) the idea of an all encompassing UNSC group with Spartans, Navy, Marines, ODSTs and anything else. Whereas ONI and the different groups that came together to what you see now was out of namesake and commonality. In an instance one community role played whereas another one wrote guides for Halo. 

One of the ideas that returns to our operational table every 3-6 months is an was a ONI that is united, a coalition or to some sense a federated group of groups. Made rules and some checks/balances but it takes a standard and right now most people cannot meet that standard, relative to activity on the website and simple communication skills. I’m not sure how much you can see here but ONI’s “branches” don’t really mean anything outside of how you want to be measured. The Navy is measured on social skills, partying game types and casual playing. Whereas Marine Corps. is measured in ability to do raids and team tact. Both reward players in tenure, but within those branches are UNSC units.

In the years here it’s worked well but the branches/units only worked the best for teams and leaders that best fit our defined narrative. Some leaders, great people became too ambitious or would confuse the rest in pioneering ideas without communicating anything. As an example “patrols” are a thing only a select few know about where a team enters a lobby inspects the maps or assassinates a target and then move on to another lobby. That same word to someone else means nothing, because they are not as disillusioned or disconnected from playing Halo the actual way it is meant to be played. Something so embarrassing we should all be on the same page about. 

ONI is also hyper competitive, to the point I don’t think we have had allies and when we did they were very temporary. All of our partners/allies are in areas of the community where we don’t directly compete with them for people as a resource and technology which is just people again but with certain skills. Whenever another clan started recruiting they became an enemy because they would recruit from the same pool we are recruiting from. 

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16 hours ago, Dale Kilkin said:

He definitely did write out everything in his history. In a more recent interaction ONI had with his NSW, he is very much so an idolization of what "old community" means to people, but the very same people he tells the story too don't do their own research; to no fault of their own though since most evidence or people from that era are gone and it is all just role playing in the end.

In which the grand scheme of things he will only cooperate in it if his name/brand is put out there. We haven't successfully worked with him because he is in short crazy.

I'd been gone for nearly a decade and people were still coming up to me at random saying that he thought I had like, some grand scheme to become big in the community again and lead tons of people. Its bonkers. Still not in a clan, still not joining one. Like, I just don't have the time for that kind of commitment anymore. He's been like, insanely mean to random people just because of like--gamertags or clan eclout. I'd say he's changed, but in the ten years I've been largely absent it doesn't look like he's grown out of it, which is a shame. 

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12 hours ago, Anna Richards said:

I have heard a rumor, Jenkins left and took the site down with him? Is this true? 

How he left is kind of ambiguous and has always been based on who was asked. 

He left because he had to move on in life and couldn't afford the payments anymore. He gave a large notice of when he'd leave. People were also taking his time for granted and were very rude to him. In retrospect, I wish I'd thanked him more for the immense work he put in. 

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12 hours ago, Anna Richards said:

I joined ONI when other ONI’s had merged in to look like a similar situation in an complicated answer. I recently resigned, just too busy to be gaming and want to prioritize my career but in leaving the community only few leaders were left from that time that have all kind of unlearned, relearned and continue to cycle in and out ideas. It’s very interesting to read that Navcom was brought together by more than the 3 known clans (105th, Fleetcom, NavSpecWar/Joshua O29) the idea of an all encompassing UNSC group with Spartans, Navy, Marines, ODSTs and anything else. Whereas ONI and the different groups that came together to what you see now was out of namesake and commonality. In an instance one community role played whereas another one wrote guides for Halo. 

One of the ideas that returns to our operational table every 3-6 months is an was a ONI that is united, a coalition or to some sense a federated group of groups. Made rules and some checks/balances but it takes a standard and right now most people cannot meet that standard, relative to activity on the website and simple communication skills. I’m not sure how much you can see here but ONI’s “branches” don’t really mean anything outside of how you want to be measured. The Navy is measured on social skills, partying game types and casual playing. Whereas Marine Corps. is measured in ability to do raids and team tact. Both reward players in tenure, but within those branches are UNSC units.

In the years here it’s worked well but the branches/units only worked the best for teams and leaders that best fit our defined narrative. Some leaders, great people became too ambitious or would confuse the rest in pioneering ideas without communicating anything. As an example “patrols” are a thing only a select few know about where a team enters a lobby inspects the maps or assassinates a target and then move on to another lobby. That same word to someone else means nothing, because they are not as disillusioned or disconnected from playing Halo the actual way it is meant to be played. Something so embarrassing we should all be on the same page about. 

ONI is also hyper competitive, to the point I don’t think we have had allies and when we did they were very temporary. All of our partners/allies are in areas of the community where we don’t directly compete with them for people as a resource and technology which is just people again but with certain skills. Whenever another clan started recruiting they became an enemy because they would recruit from the same pool we are recruiting from. 

Para 1 response:
Identity is a tricky thing. When I was in the higher echelons of Navcom it was a big no no to shoot UNSC Clans and they were not only to be included, but role played with including respect to their own structure. We were more of "The UNSC" as a greater identity until later years. It really was bigger than just me, or josh, or whatever. A lot of people put in time and effort to make sure a lot of new players had fun. That's a little bit of "Golden Age" I'd not mind coming back. Good will seems to be in short supply. 
I think McMillian would work with you guys. He's a good guy when ya get to know him. Forgive a little and work with each other, and you'll be happier for it. Kind of corny, but the only lasting lesson I'd like to give is that, especially in the real world, you have to work with people you don't like sometimes. That's just the nature of the beast if you're gonna look after people who you're responsible for. 

Para 2 response: 
You guys are very well organized. You very well could surpass anything even our "golden age" group tried. You're very close already to surpassing our membership. With a little good will and extended hand, you guys might be able to work out an alliance and create something newer and better. I was always pretty weak when it came to laying down the law with certain people. It was real easy to get a fast one on me because I just assumed people were pretty good natured. Keeping that in mind, I think you guys have a bright future as a community. Try to reach out to the elites. Build a map together--one where the layouts are both challenging and even. Run some bi weekly events. 

Para  3 response: 
That's a very creative way to keep people busy, if used right. Ambition is always something super tricky to worry about. I'd be lying if I said younger me wasn't trying his best to compete or be the best or rise to the top of things. Its good when it doesn't take priority over your people. I was always on the lookout for naturally charismatic people when I did promotions. I don't think I've got much advise on this, but for history's sake--its not too different from when we ran things. In fact, I'd say you guys are more refined than us in your process. Time zones and our own activity would often skew who we thought were leaders and who weren't, because we just didn't have that process down yet. Heck, in halo 3--before the big websites and stuff, I kept track of all 105th members by pictures in my file share of our various fire teams. 

Para 4 Response: 
Being competitive isn't bad. Its good to have that kind of pride sometimes, but I really enjoy that you guys are trying your best to recognize an overarching UNSC. That's kind of what made me want to tell you guys stuff in the first place, and give a little encouragement. People wash history all sorts of ways, but its important to note that you guys have progressed things more than you think. There's been some loss of identity, and mis prioritization I think in other people, but nothing you guys aren't making strides to fix. 

In any case, I'll respond to one more round before I hit the trail again. You guys are welcome to hit me up on discord sometime. 


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I still find it funny when people try to find exclusivity in a halo organizational name. What you guys are doing on merging all the ONIs is cool.


Concerning all the fleetcoms l, navfleetcom, navspecwarcoms, or X plus Com plus Nav plus Y, I never understood needing to name garble. Itd be like if i was mad that other people played ODSTs from the 105th. The 105th is not only a big unit, its one of halos most famous. In no way do I hold any singular right to play or train ODSTs in it. Form follows function. If i saw somebody else now with the tag id be like, "Hey! Another ODST. Lets go play firefight." Like, you could have section I, II, O, III of ONI. What they do in lore is super fascinating. I mean unless you guys do. Admittedly ive not read everything here. 


Navcom as a name was only used because it encompassed the operational service of all branches involved (save SIIIs, which are army and MAYBE unicom and SIVs which i think fall under their own later spartan branch), but even those could have fallen (generally) under that because in our lore we were actively deploying people from the naval vessel. If I recall our fictional ship was either the UNSC Bastogne or the UNSC Western Gate until halo 4s multiplayer had everything aboard the infinity. Thats when Mitch or Lasky took the main reigns after I was gone. 


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But yeah. If wed grown large enough as planned and been stable enough wed have eventually just switched to "The UNSC" on hitting four digits in membership sustainable. 


Jenkins Respawn Against Cancer for Kids project nearly pushed us over the stupid tribal chimp poop throwing threshold. We were very close. 

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R.A.C.K is a whole different level of awesome. We had this tournament where you pitched a five dollar entry fee. Winner won like, a good slice and the rest went to Children's Cancer Research. 


Not only is stuff like that great for your community (Investing in NGOs), but helps people feel good about being a part of something bigger than just like, role play bickering. I cant recommend that idea enough. 

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Intelligence Officer

Intelligence Officer

On 9/23/2021 at 11:48 PM, Dunbar said:

R.A.C.K is a whole different level of awesome. We had this tournament where you pitched a five dollar entry fee. Winner won like, a good slice and the rest went to Children's Cancer Research. 


Not only is stuff like that great for your community (Investing in NGOs), but helps people feel good about being a part of something bigger than just like, role play bickering. I cant recommend that idea enough. 

This is something we're definitely into doing, I mean we randomly became partnered with NordVPN and a coffee shop at some point sponsored us in 2018. Our goals are definitely there, I remember R.A.C.K well although never actually involved the other communities like Gamers for giving and charitable organizations I definitely would work with.

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52 minutes ago, Shawn4Japan said:

This is something we're definitely into doing, I mean we randomly became partnered with NordVPN and a coffee shop at some point sponsored us in 2018. Our goals are definitely there, I remember R.A.C.K well although never actually involved the other communities like Gamers for giving and charitable organizations I definitely would work with.

Dope. Hit me up when you do. I'd love to donate. 

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  • 3 weeks later...



A dumb source I came across, but a non edited example of our leadership at a set time and date in 2011. These are hard to come across with the Bnet gone. 

Edit: Oh my god it even has my cringe typos for my age. Lord help me. 

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