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Epic Games Huge Layoffs


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Special Agent

Special Agent


Now I know Epic Games has nothing to do with Halo but with talk of the Meta verse being so much I think this story can be a big lesson for gamers and developers alike. So if you haven't heard recently Epic Games laid of 16% of their employees and raised the costs of V-bucks by significant amounts with the 13,500 V-Buck bundle even being $10 more expensive. Now why would such a powerhouse have to do this? Well According to Epic they tried to expand the meta-verse to fast and didn't rely enough on content creators. They said they were putting so much money into Fortnite and paying UEFN map makers that they were making little to no profit of Fortnite and their other games/apps.  Now this is a common case of a big company trying to hard to become bigger. Epic now can only focus on things of the utmost importance and cut other smaller content. This not only hurts Epic but also gamers because they now have less content being rolled out. Honestly maybe Halo got it a little right. Instead of constantly putting out content every week and getting peoples hopes up they release content every once in a while and fans get hyped every time. Now yes Halo could release a little more content but I think people are so used to content being handed to them when and where they want it they can't just enjoy what they have. Thats why companies like Epic are trying way to hard. Maybe in the end it isn't just a Dev problem but maybe a problem with a content-hungry player base. Honestly that is why I have been enjoying games like No man's sky. The game is a relaxing (but super exiting at times) video game where yes the content isn't coming out almost every week but every update is meaningful but still keeps the core game that I love. In my opinion a meaningful update means a lot more than a rushed weekly update made to shut up the player base.

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Intelligence Officer

Intelligence Officer


Its a very bold move by Epic Games, 343 Industries has been cautious and patient about the topic of micro transactions, even updating the game before to be a bit cheaper. Unfortunately the conversation is best backed by data and this kind of data on who is buying what for Halo Infinite isn't publicly available. 343 is lucky that games like Call of Duty, Fortnite, Apex Legends preceded Halo Infinite and they could learn from the mistakes of others. 

Epic Games itself, its a little strange to hear and see this happening but its only telling of the forecasts of the economy. As many jobs open up it seems companies are shedding to prepare for the worst. The real enemy in this equation is, sure Epic Games but also falls blames to the management that believe and subscribe to the ideas the big four share in consulting. To gain an edge in the competitive market Epic Games uses a consulting service and they tell Epic Games what the financial impact may or may not be for the year and months going forward. Because of this relationship that is also shared between many more companies its likely this is to be the first of many companies to let go employees.

Fortnite by all means still looks like a serial success. That game is played by everyone at one point or another. Its still one of the most popular games with more content than most cross culture characters like Thanos from the Marvel universe or Anime characters like Jujutsu Kaisen, the increase of V-Bucks may be a reaction to Unity imploding. I'll make another thread on it because the conversation is deep there but basically Epic Games and the Unreal Engine has raised its market value because Unity the direct competitor decided to BLAM! its customers. Epic Games knowing this is taking advantage and raising its prices all around. 

Regardless of what the reason could be, its a scummy move. It really seems like leadership never own up to the problems they create and where they do they simply pay themselves in a severance package to exit the company. 

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