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Version 4.7.15 Update/ 5 Minute Downtime


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Intelligence Officer

Intelligence Officer


Key Changes

This is our January maintenance release.

Additional Information


  • Added the embed.php controller to the robots.txt file and added a noindex tag so that search engines don't index the content.
  • Added the referring URL to the content of the Contact Form.
  • Changed PHP recommendation to 8.1.
  • Changed MySQL recommendation to 8.0.13.
  • Improved the contact us form UX for guests.
  • Improved the queued comments count handling.
  • Improved the description for the similar content widget to highlight the different flow when ES is used.
  • Improved the thumbImage template to add an alt tag and optimize lazy loading.
  • Fixed a design issue on the error page.
  • Fixed an issue in the DELETE /core/members/{id}/secgroup/{groupId} REST endpoint, where members could lose a secondary member group.
  • Fixed an issue where calling the GraphQL API without a query would throw an EX0 exception.
  • Fixed an issue with the x hashtag not being set.
  • Fixed an issue where members with a false validation flag would be unable to login.
  • Fixed an issue with reliability of logging early in the boot process.
  • Fixed an issue with invalid page URL parameters.
  • Fixed an issue where profile fields weren't shown on content submissions.
  • Fixed a typo in siteSocialLinks template.
  • Fixed an issue on the registration form, where one could submit any coppaa/birthday combination.
  • Fixed an issue where tags were not showing in alphabetical order (when enabled) for search results.
  • Fixed an issue where the webhook payload from Status Posts wasn't properly formatted.
  • Fixed Member List Exports not properly formatting Yes / No and Checkbox profile fields.
  • Fixed an issue where disabled login handlers would still be accessible in the UCP.
  • Fixed an issue where the member webhook payload contained a false value for the allowAdminEmails key.
  • Fixed an issue parsing <video> elements with multiple <source> elements when lazy-load is enabled.
  • Fixed an issue inthe follower template where we didn't cast the page as integer.
  • Fixed an issue where giving cookie consent to the IPS cookies would result in an empty page.
  • Fixed an issue where web app icons may be cached by a CDN and show older versions.
  • Fixed a regression when copy & pasting files in an editor by reverting a previous fix.
  • Deleting a webhook will now also delete the data from core_api_webhook_fires.
  • Removed the deprecated twitter_hashtag` setting.
  • Removed the profile blocking from the default robots.txt file.
  • Fixed an issue where Status Feeds don't update after saving statuses and replies.


  • Fixed an IN_DEV issue where the Blog Edit form would result in an error.
  • Fixed protocol relative URL's showing in Blog RSS Feeds.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Content Approval Hint" wasn't shown while creating blog entries.


  • Fixed an issue on the courses quiz form, where images wouldn't be shown.


  • Fixed protocol relative URL's showing in Blog RSS Feeds.


  • Fixed protocol relative URL's showing in Blog RSS Feeds.
  • Fixed an issue with the downloads/files/{id}/history endpoint where the update time wouldn't be changed.
  • Fixed an issue where the search custom fields form showed a search related field.
  • Fixed an issue where the file screenshots were not sorted correctly.


  • Improved the efficiency of the "Time to solved" chart.
  • Improved the JSON-LD for Question Topics to show replies as suggested answers.
  • Fixed an issue with the fluid view, where invalid forum ids would remain "forever" in the address bar.
  • Fixed protocol relative URL's showing in Blog RSS Feeds.
  • Fixed 2 faulty canHide permission checks.
  • Fixed an issue where links to comments in archived topics would point to the wrong location.


  • Improved the design on the ACP Support Form to improve the readability of the "GOTO" links.
  • Fixed an issue where expired or canceled subscriptions did not always restore the appropriate member groups.
  • Fixed an issue where Google/Apple Pay transactions may auto-capture when held by a fraud rule.
  • Fixed an issue where the same PayPal transaction could be processed twice.
  • Fixed an issue where 3D Secure status may not show correctly on some Stripe transactions.


  • Fixed an issue where the rss import feature skipped the title prefix value.
  • Fixed an issue where records created via the REST API or RSS import wouldn't be linked correctly to other items.
  • Fixed an issue where page record comments would create posts in archived topics when topic syncing is enabled.
  • Fixed an issue with the database filter widget where the custom fields default value was set automatically.
  • Fixed an issue where unsetting the "Remember filters" checkbox wouldn't remove the filter cookie.
  • Fixed an issue where moving/deleting comments could stop the queue from processing.


  • Fixed an issue where editing the gallery image details would remove the exif data.
  • Fixed an issue where editing the gallery image or video details while the file is still uploading would not save the details.
  • Fixed an issue where allowing a user to submit images to an album they do not own may not allow them to submit.


  • Fixed tags not displaying properly when rebuild completes before permissions are set.


  • Improved the un-archiving process for topics when archiving gets disabled.

Changes affecting third-party developers and designers

  • The POST /core/members/{id}/secgroup/{groupId} endpoint will log the changes to the member history.
  • Fixed an IN_DEV issue in the checkout form, which was caused by an undefined variable.
  • Fixed an INDEV issue where ignoring a member from his hovercard with INDEV mode would show a "CSRF KEY present in the url error".
  • The Contact Form will now contain a "contact_referrer" value when the form is submitted. It is up to the calling extensions handleForm() method to determine how to handle this information.
  • Performance improvements targeting MySQL 8.
  • Changed the method signature for \IPS\Node\Model::setLastComment() and \IPS\Content\Item::resyncLastComment()
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