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Why everyone hates Zman22 aka S043 II William


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Intelligence Officer

Intelligence Officer


Why does everyone hate Zman22? Here is the evidence & relation with ONI, it should be known that the sentiment here and unfiltered, unedited, authentic posts he made representing himself were seen everywhere the façade of someone who understands yet deceives - and even greater a hypocrisy patterned throughout several years.

This is only a response to insults he made against ONI, this is a reminder of exactly the evidence of any conversation against him and to lightly respond as a whole. This information is compartmentalized and declassified, it is only a marginalized view of collected data from a whole to the years of 2015-2016.

304 posts to ONI's website starting May 5th, 2015


/ Funny Navcom thread: https://navalcommand.enjin.com/forum/m/11178354/viewthread/22298959-resignation-s043-ii-william




This is a pretty good one, a classic "let's fix the community" hero arc that's turned into a god complex

Praise from S043 II William? https://semper-vigilans.enjin.com/unsc/m/26855646/viewthread/23891056-promotion-wave-unsc-army-incident-remark/post/104645156#post_104645156

This is a response to Centcom Fred, when we had both Centcom Fred and Centcom Will in ONI at the same time for a brief period, both had a very misconstrued view of the community but Will was a little more innocent then Fred which at the time was older.




The hating on Naval Command comes from a deep rooted rejection from leadership, we usurped him from Naval Command because of this but ONI's relations with Navcom was always mutual. We agree that on a shooter game to shoot eachother however many UNSC clans believed that this was blue-on-blue and fundamentally adopted a "Community role play" that was very toxic (this is still seen today, people role playing and adding you to their clans narrative without consent destroying the context and validity to anything.) Back to S043 II William here is some mock up work he commented in his personal plans wanting to use ONI assets that were denied to him.


I should add the rejection was from the failure to complete Marine Corps. Basic in Navcom, Rejection from the SIV Program, Rejection from the SII Program, whatever the cases may be it most likely stems from attitude and maturity.

https://semper-vigilans.enjin.com/oni/page/3/m/26010609/viewthread/24866835-catering-unsc-community Very difficult to read will post small snippets of the fundamental disagreements had.

I can't believe he was there with ONI in the beginning of Halo 5, before Forge was introduced to the game. Looking back at this is always crazy. SO long ago!


Campaign Proposal "FOTUCORN vs. Z4Bros" Community War. Commentary with more Navcom hating, the fixation grows. https://semper-vigilans.enjin.com/unsc/m/26855646/viewthread/25089166-campaign-proposal-fotucorn-vs-z4bros-community-war/post/110048966#post_110048966



One of the worst posts on our old website.



More anti-Navcom sentiment on a target request thread.



One of the hottest threads on our site, made by our favorite Vasily Beloi: FCC vs CNCC - The Real Story https://semper-vigilans.enjin.com/halo/page/1/m/30659953/viewthread/25208317-fcc-vs-cncc-real-story (Went on a deranged rabbit hole of all the lies FOTUS has told, very strange stuff.)


IMO The UNSC Clan Community is divided not because of harassment and cyberbullying. But its because of the different interpretations of what is means to be a UNSC Marine, Spartan, Navy you name it. Every UNSC clan does it differently, some of them copying exactly from each other but we do not see eye to eye on everything and thats what divides us. A Spartan-II produced by ONI does not look like a Spartan-II that came from CENTCOM (If any) same with NavCom, SpecWarCom, etc. Now the answer everyone is trying to gun for this is overcoming the difference, by compromise. But honestly who the fuck would want to compromise for the sake of relations between 30 people clans of role players who do not see the roleplaying the same way you do. COMPROMISING kills the community, Not in the form you think it would but the idea that if NAVCOM, CENTCOM, ONI all of the UNSC Clans were the same. Why would you join ONI from NavCom or CentCom from 16th Fleet. Part of makes this UNSC role playing fun is essentially the experience and each clan gives its unique experience that I think should not have to change because of the minority that cannot experience it. Either through lack of skill, wisdom or tolerance in jump courses. Our own clans should always come first. No matter what, because they make up the UNSC Clan Community. -Shawn4Japan in 2015

CENTCOM does this weird thing in ONI, where they attempt to poach members and tries to run another smear campaign. https://semper-vigilans.enjin.com/unsc/m/26855646/viewthread/25249385-centcoms-spartanii-program-rumors/post/110361079#post_110361079

More delusional comments and me answering, this entire thread is of him and me going back and forth you can decide who won the argument, its very obvious.


If you cannot access the URL you may need to register an account through Enjin, I have opened up registration from when it was closed in September 24th, 2019 (our 15th birthday) and creation of the new site however NO ACCOUNT SUPPORT will be available to the legacy site.
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